Sex what about sex that people are afraid to talk about.

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Sex and what is sex really about?

Sex, not everyone has fear when they hear the word, but there are a great many people who hear the word sex and some would start to giggle, laugh, feel shy and then there are some who would feel offensive about sex and others who just do not want to even talk about this word sex. Why is sex so feared by many and yet everyone wants to have sex with someone or some with themselves. Why is sex so tabooed still in the 21 century with all of the information about, when, where, who and how to have sex. Do you really know what sex is, or is it that you hear it so much that you think you know what sex is?

What is sex? I know some of you may be saying I know what sex is, and that is alright, but for the others who really do not know what sex is? Sex is define as being male or female; and sex is define as the physical activity between two people who bodies contact with each other and that also may or may not include sexual intercourse.

When the majority of people talk about sex, they are not referring to male and female different anatomies', they are referring to sexual intercourse. Now sexual intercourse is when a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina. When people talk about sex, what they are trying to convey is that they have had or they may have sexual intercourse with someone.

Why is sex talk a taboo? Sex may be a taboo, too many, because growing up the majority we were told that sex is bad thing and that you should not have sex until you were married. Talking about sex was frowned upon by your parents and off limits as to conversation. You just did not talk about sex, because if you did you were told you would probably go to hell, sex conversation was not godly conversation.

Young girls and women were probably more so told that they should not talk about sex more than young men, because young men were encourage by their siblings and father's to conquer as many girls as you can. But young women were encourage to stay away from boys and not let then touch you, or kiss you, because this could lead to having sex or sexual intercourse and pregnancies it they had contact with these young men.

Anything regarding boys or sex conversation was totally off limits for young girls. Young women were or still are being taught that sex is off limits and everythingthey know about sex is no no and no.

So what do we do to change the conversation about sex? Is sex a bad thing, not in of itself sex is not bad at all, but you have to be physically, mentally and emotionally ready for sex and only if it is used for the right purpose. Do we need more sex education, I believe we still do. What we need is more sex education in the homes where sex education begins and the beliefs formed that talking about sex, and having sex or sexual intercourse is all bad and will send you to hell. Pregnancies', religious and sexual diseases are the biggest issues regarding the consequences of illicit sexual behavior causing taboo fears.

Sex is so powerful that it causes people to do things that are not right and have people doing out of mind and body experiences. Just like the song from the O'Jay's regarding "For the Love of Money". Where they say for the love of money, put the word sex in its place, because sex have some people out of their mind. For the love of sex.

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